
Welcome to 2025!

We have a lot to be excited about in 2025!

We hope you are in good health and staying safe-as always, you are foremost in our minds as we move forward into 2025.    
We are pleased to announce that we have built a new, 20,000 square foot addition to the back of our shop, which allows us to expand our operation considerably.   This addition houses our new state-of-the-art laser which expands what we can offer on both the Commercial and Industrial product lines.

We have recently added eight new Storm Resistant and Hurricane Louver models, as well as several new Wood Truss Ceiling Radiation Dampers.  These are available for quote and submittal on our Online Pricing Application. We are continuing to develop our new Energy Saving and Recovery Dampers as well. 

During this time, please forgive our appearance as we are also undergoing extensive construction to our webpage and Online Pricing Application--the features that you are used to will still be available during this time!

If you like something but think it could be better, please let us know! We love your feedback and pride ourselves with our customer service.  Thanks again for being our favorite people and we hope to hear from you soon!


Online Pricing Application(OPA)

We always have you, our end user, in mind when updating our Online Pricing Application (OPA). We have made a noticeable amount of changes to improve your user experience. If you haven’t used our OPA in a while we strongly recommend you look again.

We have:

  • Created an Enhanced Submittal Package Manager
  • Actualized our prices to compete with industry standards
  • Made visual updates for improved readability
  • Updated our navigation tools for easier quoting and ordering
  • Improved our editing tools across the board
  • Integrated popular product add-ons that were previously only available through request by special instructions
  • Removed many system bugs and unexplained errors

These improvements are only a few of the many we have made. We urge you to login and discover them all!

Powder Coat Paint Line

We are very excited to say that in 2022, we installed a brand-new, expanded Powder Coat line in response to the success of our current line and product demand!  This new line both helps reduce lead times and improves quality through an automated washing and application process. 

In 2019, Safe-Air Dowco had already installed a fully operational in-house paint line to allow for a greater degree of control and quality over the fabrication process, particuarly for extruded louvers. Our Powder Coat System was developed in conjunction with our finishing partners, and we have earned AAMA2603, AAMA2604, and AAMA2605 certification. Our new line will continue to offer those certifications with a quicker turnaround time and enhanced level of quality.

A digital copy of our color chart is available at the top right of this webpage under "Finishes". There you will find as well a more in-depth discussion of the new finish types and details about how the AAMA standards work.  We are additionally able to furnish both printed copies of our color chart and physical samples on aluminum upon demand, and answer any questions you may have, please direct your requests to sales@safeair-dowco.com



Please review our updated Policies and Procedures as some of our recent changes may affect you. You can find our Standard Terms & Conditions above in the "Policies" tab or click here.


As of August 2018, we are officially a Sheet Metal, Blue Label Union, Local 73 Manufacturer. We understood that for Safe-Air Dowco to remain competitive in the larger markets we needed a union presence, and we remain committed to satisfying the needs of our customers in all regions.

Updated 1/28/2025

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